Die top-jobs-europe Consulting GmbH ist eine international tätige Personalberatung. Wir sind seit über drei Jahrzehnten am Markt tätig und gehören zu den festen Größen im Recruiting von Fach- und Führungskräften. a job in switzerland – and what goes along with it

A job in Switzerland – and what goes along with it

A high quality of living, attractive salaries as well as low taxes and social security contributions – these are the assets that make Switzerland internationally competitive. It is no wonder that thousands of people enter the country every year.

If you were successful in finding a job, only half of the work is done. For most people, a change of job also means to move flats; which means that dozens of big and small decisions have to be made. Every person starting a career in a new country is also a consumer.

The online comparison service comparis.ch knows the needs of new arrivals well and offers competent support. With comparis.ch, you cannot only find a well-priced flat, but also a health insurance, a household and private liability insurance or a car insurance matching your needs. The New Arrival Assistant makes sure that you keep an overview and don’t forget any formalities. Daily updated saving news help you to keep to your budget.



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Herr Daniel Stock d.stock(@)top-jobs-europe.de