Die top-jobs-europe Consulting GmbH ist eine international tätige Personalberatung. Wir sind seit über drei Jahrzehnten am Markt tätig und gehören zu den festen Größen im Recruiting von Fach- und Führungskräften. hr-recruiting international: a day in moscow

HR-Recruiting international: A day in Moscow

A day in the life of one of our consultants

I went to Moscow to one of our clients. For anyone who does not know Moscow and would like a comparison with other big cities – it simply does not compare. The immense number of 11.5 million people live in the city. With that many trying to get around, several hours for 35 kilometers isn’t that unusual.

The trouble started even before I got on the plane. To get a visa for a business trip, you need a specific invitation from a Russian company. Thankfully, there are agencies who help with that kind of paper work. Alright, I got my visa within a week, I was ready to go.

When I arrived at Moscow airport, I encountered the first crowds and endless lines. The immigration took the better part of two hours. Later I was told that this is fast in comparison. At first, I was unable to find my driver. He was holding up a sign with the name of my hotel – but in Cyrillic script.

Our interview partner had already been on the road for several hours. In Moscow, you have to calculate lots of travel time, because the traffic is just unimaginable.

In the afternoon, we wanted to call another spontaneous meeting. Everything was set; Everything except the traffic, which did not cooperate. The man arrived 45 minutes late, by what time we unfortunately were unable to continue the talks, because we had only 3 hours left to get back to the airport.

All in all, this experience left an impression. We could use a sliver of the calm and patience that these people exhibit during all the traffic jams.

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Herr Daniel Stock d.stock(@)top-jobs-europe.de